Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013

Financed projects

Crossing Borders by Information in the Pons Danubii Border Region
Short description of the project Improving information flow in the region
Acronym: Crossing Borders by Information in the Pons Danubii Border Region
Call: HUSK/1001
Registration No. HUSK/1001/2.5.2/0019
Total Project budget: 270 980.00 €
Total ERDF awarded: 230 333.00 €
Project start date: 01-01-2012
Project end date: 31-10-2013
Project status: Finalized
By the integration of Hungary and Slovakia into the EU the borders became permeable, however this did not automatically result in the development of cross-border co-operation. In the past couple of decades there have been few initiatives aimed at improving the availability of the border region and supporting the information flow in it. The ones that were launched were not successful either, since actors in the region and their needs were not taken into consideration. Consequently, the use of marketing tools to promote initiatives and co-operation in the region is still not coordinated and managed jointly, and there is also a lack of financial support. By recognising these facts, the Pons Danubii EGTC made efforts to improve the information flow in the region and it follows the cross-border issues and Slovak-Hungarian relations with attention, the aim of which is to reinforce social, economic and cultural co-operation. The aim of the project is to take advantage of the fact that it is a legal entity, the aim of the Grouping and of its partners is to develop and improve the free information flow in the area of the participating settlements by establishing a channel which is available for the target groups free of charge, both in Hungarian and Slovak languages. The Pons Danubii EGTC developed and maintains a web portal to coordinate the cooperation and information flow between the local televisions of the 9 settlements in the two countries (Komárom, Tata, Kisbér, Oroszlány, Komárno, Hurbanovo, Kolárovo, Svodín, Nové Zámky).
culture networking public services


Lead Partner

Európske zoskupenie územnej spolupráce Pons Danubii s r.o.
Slovakia, Nitriansky kraj, , Ulica Generála Klapku 1, 945 01 Komárno, Slovakia

Project Partner 2

Mesto Nové Zámky
Slovakia, Nitriansky kraj, Hlavné námestie 1/10, 940 02 Nové Zámky, Slovakia

Project Partner 3

Obec Svodín
Slovakia, Nitriansky kraj, Hlavná 1117/1, 943 54 Svodín, Slovakia
